

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


The Science of Personality
Hogan challenged decades of academic tradition and criticism to become the first to demonstrate personality’s impact on organizational success, pioneering the use of personality assessment to improve workplace performance.

Grounded in more than four decades of validated research, Hogan assessments were the first to scientifically measure personality for business. Thirty years later, we are committed to the same spirit of innovation that helped us become the industry leader.

Product Summary

Leader Focus
Helps new leaders and first-time managers understand how their personality characteristics may influence their leadership effectiveness.

Insight Series
Explores a mid-level manager’s strengths, performance risks, and values, and can be used as a feedback tool for selection or development.

Leadership Forecast Series
Provides leaders with an understanding of their strengths, challenges, and underlying motivators. Requires feedback from a certified coach/user.

Hogan 360
Multi-rater feedback tool to help individuals and leaders at any level gain a better understanding of how they are perceived in the organization.

Designed to help team members gain an understanding of team strengths, weaknesses, and culture.

Provides early career advice based on strengths and shortcomings.

Identifies core values, compares them with various occupations and cultures, and describes the type of environment in which they will be comfortable working.

HBRI Interpret
Identifies problem-solving style to predict occupational success and evaluates tactical and strategic reasoning for selection and development purposes.

Identifies strengths, as well as potential shortcomings, with tips to optimize employee performance.

Identifies safety-minded candidates, focuses and improves training, and recognizes and repairs safety-related gaps in your organizational culture.

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