

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team.


Our company’s journey began in 2014, when founder and CEO Jeff Berger saw an opportunity to help struggling job seekers on a larger scale.

Through the power of machine learning, advanced technology, and our vast writer network, we continue the mission to create a better job search, empowered candidates, and effectively a better career landscape.

Early on it became clear that if we wanted to provide the best career services, we’d have to look further than our home base of New York City. By expanding our reach and employing writers from all over the map, we ensure our network is as diverse as the candidates we serve.

Rooted in the science of resume writing and the art of interviewing, Talent Inc. has evolved to offer a full suite of career services aimed at empowering individuals to own and grow their professional brand. Through the Talent Inc. brands, we provide tools, expertise, and support to help professionals navigate their next career move.

Our brands


  • TopResume is the leading resume-writing service in the world, crafting hundreds of thousands of individual resumes per year for job seekers across the United States and everywhere resumes are used.


  • TopCV offers the same quality writing services as TopResume for curriculum vitaes (CVs), with additional expertise in the unique needs of international markets.


  • TopInterview expert coaching helps candidates prepare and strategize to interview with confidence.

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