

This tool has solely been researched by the WilsonHCG Innovation team


We want to get you hired. Being responsible for hundreds of hires in the past, we have built a profound expertise in this area. We are well aware of the daily struggle to hire top talent - both as a candidate and as a recruiter.

Thus, our aim became to facilitate the yet-so-inefficient recruiting process: A process which is key to a company's success! We put a lot of brainpower, time and effort into Taledo to ensure we connect the right candidates with the right companies at the right time.

You might already know us: Taledo is the result of two year's hard work on our earlier platforms StartupCVs and SalesCVs.

Find your dream job!

Taledo connects talented professionals with market-leading companies for digital roles

How It Works

Connect with hundreds of employers in a few clicks - all for free!

Quick profile creation
Enter your preferences, such as location, salary and company stage - all in under 2 minutes!

Individual coaching
Get professional assistance from your personal Talent Manager throughout every stage of your job search.

Tailored job offers
Receive interview requests directly from recruiters, you decide with which offer to proceed.

Signing bonus
Compare job offers and pick the best one. Kickstart your dream job and receive a 500€ signing bonus from us.