

This tool has been solely researched by WIlsonHCG Innovation Team


This platform uses diversity and inclusion monitoring and tracking to generate dashboards that allow those in leadership roles to have an understanding of the health of diversity and inclusion efforts at their organization. It also provides predictions and recommendations for where new strategies should be focused.


X0PA AI’s Enterprise Recruiter

is a Software as a Service (SaaS) platform that helps our clients hire, engage and retain executive talent. It uses artificial intelligence, machine learning, Natural Language Processing, Video Analytics, X0PA AI’s proprietary algorithms and industry and company data to find, score and rank candidates based on their suitability to the company and job being offered. With X0PA’s predictive analytics, we can predict a candidate’s loyalty and performance in the position.

Internal hiring & succession planning

Accurately find the best internal hires. Use analytics to predict job rotation and find successors for every position.

External Hiring

Bring in external talent that is qualified, experienced and best suited to your organisation.

Engage and Re-employ

X0PA AI helps you with the engagement and reemployment of both senior workforce members and women returning from break.



At X0PA, we are proud of the fact that we are using one of our most sensitive technologies for good: bringing people together with the jobs they want and the organisations that want them.


Hiring the best possible candidates will ensure both companies and employees are happy, leading to improved performance, job satisfaction and, ultimately, retention.


Our AI and algorithms use objective, scientific data when matching candidates with jobs, ensuring fairness, equal opportunity, and transparency in the process.


Recruitment can be a painstaking, time-consuming, and costly process. Our process is automated, fast, objective, and efficient.

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