

This tool has been solely researched by WilsonHCG’s Innovation Team.

The World-Leading Web Accessibility Technology

accessiBe is a game-changer in web accessibility, making the entire process to full compliance 100% automatic and immediate, using machine-learning and computer vision technologies


accessiBe utilizes two applications that together achieve full compliance. The accessibility interface is responsible for all the UI and design-related adjustments, while the AI-powered background process handles optimizations for screen-reader and for keyboard navigation (the most complex requirements).


Foreground Application: the Accessibility Interface

accessiBe's interface enables users with visual impairments to adjust the design and UI of your website, so it perfectly meets their accessibility needs according to the WCAG 2.1 guidelines at the AA and AAA levels.

Background Application: AI-Powered Processes

accessiBe's Contextual Understanding AI technology is responsible for handling the most complex requirements - screen-reader and keyboard navigation adjustments, using machine learning and computer vision.

Developed Side-By-Side with People with Disabilities

accessiBe's first stable version took 18 months of daily development in collaboration with people with disabilities that still continues on today. Blind people, motor and visually impaired people, epileptics and others are all a vital part of our research & development. 

The only solution that ensures compliance at any time, even for websites that update daily.

Hiring a company to manually remediate your website's accessibility means paying tens of thousands of dollars for a product that costs as much as a car, takes weeks to turnaround, and that completely breaks in just a few months.

The reason is that websites are dynamic in nature and update all the time! every time you update your site after the initial remediation project, you introduce an "accessibility hole". The more updates, the more holes, and in just 2-3 updates, your website becomes entirely non-compliant again.


  • Screen-reader optimization for blind users

  • Keyboard navigation optimization for the motor impaired

  • On-page, live dictionary/glossary for people with cognitive disorders

  • Stopping all flashing animations to prevent epileptic seizures

  • UI and design adjustments for the visually impaired




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